Pranan Guide

Here we provide a general overview of Pranan’s technology and devices. Further information about them is available on the links.

Precision technology against EMF radiation

For several years, Pranan Technologies has been investigating and developing technology to block electromagnetic radiation. Our objective is none other than to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of a society that is more and more exposed to electromagnetic pollution.

To that end, we work actively with universities, technological centres and leadinginternational experts. Our eagerness to investigate has allowed us to obtain the Innovative Company Seal awarded in 2015 by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain and the International Patent entitled “Electromagnetic radiation shield” No. CC P: ES 2401873 A1.

What is different about our technology , is that its efficacy is validated and demonstrated by clinical trials in internationally-approved institutions. And the results have been published in scientific journals (peer reviews).

At present, the Pranan devices are the only ones that comply with European Directives 2001/95/CE and 1999/5/CE. This guarantees that they fulfil all the health and safety requirements for them to be marketed.

Pranan Technologies posiada certyfikat ISO 9001:2015. System jest audytowany i certyfikowany przez Tüv Rheinland.

To prevent falsifications, Pranan Technologies has developed NEFERTITYS (Near Field Authenticaton System) a new anti-tampering system that guarantees the authenticity of our devices. This system permits the users to verify with their cell phone that the device they have purchased is an original.

If you would like to know about the materials used to make the Pranan devices and how they work, further information is available in the Pranan Technology section or through this document, which aims to respond to the questions and doubts of the persons who contact us.



Our devices are manufactured with laser technology and mineral and metallic-based nanoparticle inks for printed electronics. That way we achieve maximum energy efficiency, and also protect the environment, as they consume no electricity, are non-contaminant and have an unlimited duration.

We hope to continue contributing to the wellbeing of people and we undertake to continue working, investigating and development technologies that will enable us to market devices that improve the quality of life of our society.


You can access our dossiers, leaflets and promotional videos about our devices below.

Pranan devices leaflet

Phiwaves 5G Jewel leaflet

Pranan Devices Dossiers

Phiwaves 5G video

Phione 5G video

Biospace 5G video

Phiwaves 5G jewel video

These videos are quite a few years old, but they allow us to see how our technology and devices have evolved.

Head Offices

Edificio Ronda
Madres de la Plaza de Mayo 44, Planta 2° 31013 Pamplona (Navarra), Spain

+34 948 983211


International shipments

Technical Office

C/Chapinerías 9, bajo 31500 Tudela (Navarra),


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Quality and Innovation

Pranan Technologies ©

The purpose of this study has been to assess the effectiveness of the application of the technology developed and patented by Pranan Technologies and which is incorporated into the devices.

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