The European Journal of Integrative Medicine has published the research studies conducted out by the University of Granada Centre for Biomedical Research (Research Group CTS-101: “Intercellular Communications”) on the efficacy of technology developed and patented by Pranan Technologies for neutralising the harmful effects on the body of electromagnetic radiation (mobile phones, Wi-Fi, cordless telephones, telephone antennas).
La aceptación, ha sido posible después de varios meses de análisis, estudio y “revisión por pares” (método usado para validar trabajos escritos con el fin de evaluar su calidad, originalidad, factibilidad, y rigor científico, antes de su publicación) realizado por los editores y consejo editorial de “European Journal of Integrative Medicine”.
In which they featured outstanding scientists and University professors at prestigious institutions such as the Georgetown University School of Medicine (USA), the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), the Sydney University of Technology (Australia), or the University of Southampton (UK), among many others.